FNF vs Selever

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
2.83K Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game / Stop the game / Select the level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Come back mouse-all

Selever has prepared for a rematch by finding skilled musicians who have composed 4 new songs for him to challenge Boyfriend. Starting with a warm-up on a quiet song, you will have to endure the furious rhythm of the following musical compositions, which will be set by your opponent. Between songs, Selever will talk about his story, and as you duel, you'll learn more about this amazing character.

Perform the musical compositions until the finale to defeat Selever. It will take maximum dexterity and concentration not to miss the moments when the pieces on the screen pair up. Be attentive and you'll be able to play your notes accurately to make it to the finals and get a bonus song as a gift.

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  • Casanova 
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  • Attacklovania
Comments (1)
  • 06.08.2024
    this is the best fnf mod