FNF vs Lucky Boy

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
2 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

In FNF vs Lucky Boy mod, Boyfriend meets his fan - an animated sock named Lucky, who wears a stylish cap and tries to imitate his idol, but now he is ready to test his strength in a real rhythm battle. Lucky is ambitious and young, but his musical talents can only be envied, which makes him a truly strong opponent, worthy to compete with any former vocalist.

You can choose between story mode and free play mode. Either way, your job is to not miss a note and make it to the end of the songs. When the arrows move over BF's head, press the corresponding keys on your keyboard to hit the beat. If you miss too many arrows in a row. Be attentive and keep the rhythm until the finale.

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