FNF Vs. Birdie

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
574 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

In one of the episodes of Young Titans, Cyborg noticed a white seagull flying through a window, and the scene became a popular meme on the Internet. In the world of FNF, he decides to have a musical battle with the bird. Later, he is joined by another vocalist Robin to perform the song “Catch It” together.

Your task is to help Cyborg bring all the songs of this mod to the end. Focus on the arrows moving from Cyborg's side, and click on the corresponding keys when the characters match the stencils. Try not to skip clicks so Cyborg doesn't get knocked off and lose this battle.

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