FNF Vs. Hecker

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
653 Players
Comment Watch walkthrough
Start to sing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start game / Stop game / Select level mouse-all
Reset mouse-all
Change the volume mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

This mod offers a truly unique challenge for Boyfriend. He will have to fight Hecker - a cat who knows a lot about computers, or maybe it's just a cover and behind the avatar of the cat hides a much more serious opponent. Now is not the time to get into these details - the main thing is to win against the mysterious Hecker.

Focus on the arrows moving on the phone screen. Press the corresponding keys when the symbols match the stencils. Don't make mistakes, follow the rhythm, and bring the song to the end to defeat this mysterious opponent.

Comments (2)
  • 04.10.2024
    its really good
  • 18.09.2024