FNF: KillShot

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PC only game
588 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all
Reset mouse-all

To celebrate Pico Day 2024, best friends Boyfriend and Pico will once again face off in a musical duel to the beats of the track “KillShot”. In the not-too-distant future, on the outskirts of Philadelphia, these two restless rivals have set up a sound system for an extraordinary new rap battle! Take on the role of Boyfriend and try to keep the beat while fending off Pico's constant attacks.

Don't let symbols pass you by while singing every note of the soundtrack. Avoid the bullets that the red-haired rival releases from his machine gun, because they can disrupt the Boyfriend's performance. Be attentive and try to stand until the final chord to win the musical shootout.

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