FNF: Fanmade Vs. Tricky Phase 3

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PC only game
28 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

In the fan mod for FNF Tricky Phase 3, Boyfriend finds himself in Nevada once again, where he meets an evil clown monster. This time, Tricky is so angry over his defeats in the previous rounds that he starts to look much more terrifying than before. The huge fire monster is ready for the attack, which he will produce with the help of the rhythms of the crazy track he has prepared for this encounter.

Defeat Tricky in the rhythms of the fast music track. Watch out for the characters that move on the side where the Boyfriend is. When the figures fly up to their control points, don't hesitate and press the keys that respond to them. Be prepared for the changing rhythm of the track, rapidly changing notes and false characters that are better to skip to avoid losing success. Loss of health portends instant defeat.

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