FNF Atrocity: JellyBean Vs. The Skeletons

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PC only game
593 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

JellyBean is a famous Mexican youtuber who gained popularity thanks to his unusual videos about Minecraft. Now he faces an unusual challenge: a confrontation with a group of skeletons determined to turn him into a meme and ridicule his work. To protect his reputation, JellyBean will engage in a musical battle with them to the track "Atrocity".

You'll be helping JellyBean perform the song and defeat the skeletons, showing off his skill and talent. Try not to miss the symbols that are responsible for the notes, don't miss often so that you don't miss the moments when the pieces touch and don't play through to the end of the soundtrack.

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