FNF vs Whitty

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
10.71K Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game / Stop the game / Select the level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Come back mouse-all

Challenge the man with the bombshell head. In a dark alley, upset by an article about himself in the local paper, Whitty meets Boyfriend, who offers to fight him in a musical duel. Despite his reluctance, Whitty accepts the challenge. It's up to you to beat him to the beats of the new tracks.

Can you win the battle by skipping as few notes as possible? Be careful, Whitty will go ballistic during the last song. Keep an eye on the figures running relentlessly upwards. As soon as the symbols touch the outline of their shape, catch them by clicking on the correct keys. Don't lose the rhythm and keep playing your notes in time to the final chord. 

Comments (9)
  • 24.01.2025
  • 29.10.2024
    i love this game
  • 18.09.2024