FNF Vs. Accelerant Hank

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PC only game
2.07K Players
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Start to sing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start game / Stop game / Select level mouse-all
Reset mouse-all
Pause mouse-all
Change the volume mouse-all mouse-all

Hank J. Wimbleton, special agent in the Mad Boy series, is sensationally entering the FNF world. He will be one of the most charismatic opponents Boyfriend has ever had to fight. Take on the challenge of Hank and his insane rhythms, where notes will fly as fast as ninja moves, in a tense atmosphere. Hank will continue to fulfill his duties as a special agent, even while singing. 

This mod is extremely difficult, and even in normal mode the mod will require impeccable dexterity and constant concentration. Don't miss the characters on the screen, which move quickly. As soon as the figures touch the silhouettes above the guy's cap, immediately click on the arrows that respond to the pairs. Don't miss and you'll be able to last until the end of the fight.  

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