FNF: Spooky's Saturday Scare

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
440 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all
Dodge mouse-all

Overcome your fear to face Spooky and a host of other terrifying entities. Dearest Daddy sent his daughter to a gloomy mansion thinking that Boyfriend wouldn't dare look for her there. But it was in vain to underestimate Boyfriend, who is capable of defeating any opponent in ruthless rap battles, even if they are no longer alive.

Each song will be a real test of stamina and musical ability, requiring from you maximum concentration and dexterity. Keep your eyes on the arrows that move relentlessly towards the top of the screen. As soon as the arrows connect with the stencils of their shape, quickly catch them by pressing the corresponding keys. Will you be able to overcome all fears and win these musical duels?

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