FNF: Manifest but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used

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PC only game
44 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

Try to tackle the most multi-voiced version in FNF history in the mod FNF: Manifest but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used. More than one character will now sing in Skye's place. Your favorite characters will put on a grand show, with a fusion of voices as the melody continues. Don't let anyone make a mistake to keep the show going and bring the vocalists to the finale.

Each new move is a surprise. Who will be next? The characters change places from verse to verse. Regardless of who becomes your ward, you should accurately click on the arrows to help the singer hit the notes. Each merging of identical symbols calls you to fulfill the notes. Don't miss so that you don't falsify. Bring the rhythms of the track all the way to the finale and curb the polyphonic ensemble.

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