FNF Holiday Bash

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
77 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all

A fun and festive mod that is perfect for those who want to celebrate the holidays in the FNF world. From Thanksgiving to Easter, this mod brings joy and a holiday atmosphere to musical rhythm gameplay.

Celebrate some holidays with the singing characters of this mod. Don't miss Chrissy and Thea's battle, rescue presents from the thieving Grinch, go on a tunnel of love with Hannah and Vaen, and get an Easter basket from Esther and Bonnie. All of these events will take place to the rhythms of music. Choose a track from Free Mode and using only your musical ear, try to keep up the rhythms until the finale. Don't miss the moments when two symbols with identical outlines come together. Click on the cursors in time to play your notes and not to lose before time.

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