FNF: All My Fellas

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PC only game
985 Players
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Start singing mouse-all or mouse-all
Start the game/ Stop the game/ Select a level mouse-all
Volume control mouse-all mouse-all
Go back mouse-all
Reset mouse-all

Boyfriend and Pico join forces to perform the popular hit “All My Fellas” in front of Girlfriend. The beauty and lightness of the music shouldn't stop you from catching every beat. Sing the notes along with the Boyfriend, hold out until the song is over and show off your superiority.

Despite the lightness of this track and the cheerful mood of the characters, your task is to be purposeful, agile and attentive. Only by performing the track as correctly as possible, you will be able to reach its finale. Do not miss the moments of convergence of signs on the screen and accurately click on the arrows, so that the guy in the cap performs his notes. Keep clicking to the final only on time, and the victory will be yours. 

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